ID Requirements
If you are 18 and over and applying for a standard Washington Driver's License, Identification Card, or Instruction Permit (Learner's Permit), you must provide a document that verifies your principal residence address. Ensure you have one of the acceptable documents listed below. Please note that if your documents are found to be fraudulent, you will not be eligible to reapply for 364 days.
Documents to show proof of identification:
Refugee Verification Packet (contact your resettlement agency for more information)
U.S. armed services ID card, with photo — Valid
U.S. B1/B2 Visa Border Crossing Card (Form DSP-150) — Valid
U.S. Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization with your photo, signature, and readily identifiable photo
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service ID — Valid, acceptable forms are:
I-327 U.S. Permit to Re-Enter Travel Document
I-551 Permanent Resident Card
I-571 U.S. Refugee Travel Document
I-766 Employment Authorization
U.S. passport — Valid (an emergency passport isn't acceptable)
U.S. passport card — Valid
U.S. state or territory issued driver's license, ID card, or photo Instruction Permit — Valid or expired not more than 1 year
Verification ID letter from the Department of Social and Health Services Children's Administration for foster youth
*Click HERE for a complete list of DOL-approved IDs
Documents to show proof of Washington residence:
Acceptable documents must:
Show your current Washington residence address (unless noted below),
Be unexpired (unless noted below), and
Be in your or your spouse's name. If the documents are in your spouse's name you will be asked to present your marriage certificate.
Note: If you're between the age of 18 and 25, you can use documents in your parent or guardian's name. You'll be asked to show proof of relationship, such as a birth certificate or adoption papers.
Acceptable documents:
Previously issued WA license, ID card, or permit that is expired not more than 6 years or your spouse's current WA license, ID card, or Permit, that is expired not more than 6 years, and your marriage certificate. If you have been issued a license in another state since your last issuance in WA, this option isn't acceptable.
Washington vehicle registration or title (a quick title isn't acceptable)
USPS change of address letter dated within 2 months (electronic letters not accepted)
Home utility bill for Washington address (gas, electric, water, garbage, sewer, landline phone, TV, internet, ISTA) dated within past 2 months.
Washington voter card
Washington school transcript - current or previous school year
DSHS benefits letter indicating unexpired benefits (medical, food, etc.)
Tribal ID
Proof of home ownership (mortgage documents, property tax documents, deed, title, etc.)
Selective Service card
Business mail from state or federal agency dated within 2 months
Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) letter from Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Concealed weapons permit from a WA county (license to carry a concealed pistol)
Homeowners (not renters) insurance policy
Auto insurance policy or bill dated within 2 months
Consulate ID card
Paycheck or pay stub with the employer's name and phone number or address - dated within 2 months
Washington professional license (nursing, physician, pilot, engineer, etc.)
W-2 form from an employer, or form 1099 for the previous year
Moorage document (bill, contract, etc.)
Letter attesting residence in alternative housing (e.g. assisted living, college campus, mission, senior housing, shelter, or retirement home) on company letterhead with a phone number that could be used in verification of the facility
U.S. military document issued within 1 year
Certified marriage certificate, for marriage within 1 year
Form DS-2019
If you're using a verification ID letter to prove your identity from the Stand-Alone or A-List above, that can also be used as your proof of residence.